First Nations protesting Red Chris mining

Powerful video here.  I just don’t understand why he didn’t want to talk to them nor drink the water…/snarky to the extreme

What price for food that is edible or water that does not contain heavy metals?  What price for healthy bodies from unpolluted air, water, and soil?

What price for life?


First Nations ask for Public Inquiry into Mount Polley

The First Nations of Canada sent a letter to Stephen Harper and Christy Clark asking for investigation into the Mount Polley disaster and for mining reform.

I’m sure Stephen Harper will jump right on that…/snarky for sure

My blog on Mount Polley here.


Glucuronidation: one of the body’s detox pathways

I am forever in awe of our bodies and how they perform every day miracles of protecting itself from toxins.

Today, I learned another term from the wonderful mercury support group: glucuronidation.  It’s apparently another chemical reaction in the body that helps the detox pathways to work properly.  Isn’t this fascinating?

Note how your everyday drugs can interfere with the body’s own design to take care of itself.

I’ve recently started taking ibuprofen to head off a migraine.  It worked a couple of times last month, and I took some this morning because I felt another one coming on.  It’s the only time I will take it anymore–because it can cause damage to the intestines, and it damages kidney cells.  So I have to really feel that  migraine is coming on in order to risk the harm to my body.  I figure that a migraine is much, much more harmful and devastating.  I feel so weak afterwards, it has to be doing some damage…especially when I lose five pounds with them (and then gain it back).

I cringe at the thought that I used to take ibuprofen almost on a daily basis, back in the day.  With being exposed to mercury via coal dust, and amalgam in baby teeth, and being gluten intolerant, I  had been taking ibuprofen for symptoms that would go away with proper detox.  It’s that slippery slope–where the body is damaged, resulting in pain, and the man-made drugs help for a time, but with interfering with detox pathways, make everything worse–and the person takes more of the drugs to relieve the increasing symptoms…and on…

Now, with the glucuronidation knowledge, there is even more reason not to take these FDA approved drugs unless there is an overwhelming reason to do so.

And Big Pharma thinks it’s quite all right for you to get worse on their drugs…more profits for them.

Hope my dear readers find this as fascinating as I do.  Isn’t the body wonderful?

Buying our destiny…

…or selling our destiny…depending on your point of view.  Naomi Klein was on DN! today, talking about climate change and our need to change the things we value in order to save the planet.

Perhaps it would be better stated to save ourselves…the planet will survive, i.e., after the humans and animals and plant life are dead from toxicity, the planet will re-emerge clean…like a phoenix rising up from the ashes.

Klein makes a point that the Green movement has been co-opted by the very targets they were fighting against.  Sadly, she states that The Nature Conservancy has been drilling.  Incredible!  Back in the day, it was one of the organizations I donated to.  That and Sierra Club, but when I found that Sierra was “partnering” with Clorox bleach…yeah, I stopped supporting them even before my life took its downturn.

She mentions the indigenous taking on the big corporations –asserting land rights.  You might recall about a year ago, with the natives of Canada protesting fracking exploration on their lands–

My posts on the events:

October 20th.   October 22nd.   November 4.   November 8.  November 24.   December 1.   December 15.

Klein asserts that those who stand to lose the most from the change in what we value–solar over oil, coal, and nuclear energy–are fighting a dirty war with the help of politicians and others who are bought and paid for.

They don’t care what ill health effects are created by the toxic environment.  It’s just mindboggling how they think that their pollution is not going to affect them–do they think they live in a bubble, immune from what happens around them?

An example–the pollen counts have been high here lately, so I haven’t been outside to jog.  I went yesterday morning, and then had problems with deep coughing.  I haven’t really had that deep coughing in awhile.  There has to be a connection.  Not only to the “normal” pollution, but from chemtrails, aka bioengineering–as I saw several trails in the sky to the East of me.  They have been spraying them above the clouds so it’s harder to see them, but they’re there.

I saw these from twenty miles away, Sunday:


Just recently, Joe Donnelly, Dan Coats, and Jackie Walorski, Indiana politicians, have come out against EPA regulations.  The local radio station is airing commercials (surely paid for by those in the industry) stating that the EPA is a threat.  I kid you not.

Joe Donnelly here and here.

Dan Coats here–from an “EPA abuse” website, most likely being supported by the coal industry;  and here and here–this extension period was needed so they could flood the airwaves with the commercials I’m now hearing….

Notice the “job-killing” tactic–classic playbook.  Why doesn’t Sen. Coats tout renewable energy jobs that would be created if we stopped supporting the dirty coal industry?

Jackie Walorski here:

And here–a big thank you from the Farm Bureau. Pfft.

Note the scare tactics of “big government” and “regulating every faucet”….

Farmers need to realize their part in polluting the water.  And they need to be given some incentive for going organic, and not using chemicals in food production.  Where is the money for that?

Our water flows into the Ohio, which flows into the Mississippi, which flows into the Gulf.  It has been noted that Indiana is one of the biggest polluters (17 million pounds of toxins into our waterways EVERY YEAR), and the coral and sea life are dying because of it.

All the while, mercury in Indiana waterways is ABOVE the standards set from the USGS website.


Mercury contamination in water and fish throughout Indiana has routinely exceeded levels recommended to protect people and wildlife. About 1 in 8 fish samples tested statewide had mercury that exceeded the recommended safety limit for human consumption. The causes include mercury in the rain and mercury going down the drain, according to a recently released federal study.The most significant source of mercury to Indiana watersheds is fallout from the air. Much of the mercury in the air comes from human activity. In Indiana, coal-burning power plants emit more mercury to the air each year than any other human activity. In urban areas, wastewater discharge contributes a substantial portion of mercury to waterways.

Women’s game face – the NFL


I don’t wear makeup anymore, so the ad campaigns for makeup go past me.  Makeup itself is a subject of debate–does it enhance or takeaway from women?

When I wore makeup, I did it daily, even if I wasn’t planning on going out for the day.  I would have been mortified to leave the house without makeup….it was so ingrained in me that I felt naked without it–that I was unacceptable without makeup.

When I began going through this transformation, I got to a point where I said “screw it”, I don’t care what people think anymore.

Walking outside without makeup was a freeing experience.  I no longer felt the chains of someone else’s idea of beauty and that expectation of always being pretty so someone else could feel comfortable.  Craziness, for sure.

And the expense!  Good grief, I looked at prices of cosmetics a while back, and could not believe how freaking expensive they had become.  Take out a second mortgage to pay for them.

Now I am happy that I didn’t expose myself to even more harmful chemicals, via nail polish…not to mention the harmful chemicals associated with makeup. 

It’s too bad that the commondreams report didn’t include the chemical toxicity aspect of the makeup.  There are ways to hurt women without lifting a fist….


The face of minimum wage

Maria Fernandes died while sleeping in her car between work shifts.  She is the face of the minimum wage worker trying to make ends meet and have a little extra afterward.



(I’ve had a stupid migraine the past few days.  I thought I was going to go migraine-free this month. I started to get one last week, my usual time, but I stopped it with ibuprofen.  I was hoping that I had healed to the point that I could stop them with ibuprofen, which used to work for me.  But, alas…)

A discussion on population…

Gene Logsdon has put up a post on his thoughts on population growth and food availability.

It’s a touchy and uncomfortable subject….to say the least.

It brings up eugenics–there are stories out there of people like Bill Gates and the Rockefellers advocating for population control via eugenics and even through genetically modified food.  There is a video out there of Bill Gates advocating vaccines for this purpose.  I don’t know what to make of the video, so I’m not posting it– you’ll have to go find it yourself.

I think advocating de-population is morally and ethically wrong.  We get into the self-righteous, superiority of those who think they are *more special* than the rest, therefore, they should live while others die.

The comments are as interesting as the blog–with one suggesting that the population growth perhaps was a spiritual one of bringing more light into the world….

…with that, I would disagree.  There is so much negative energy on Earth that I would happily volunteer to go right now if God would take me.   Just give me enough morphine to stop my heart, and I’m good to go…

Speaking of negative energy, I was just thinking last night how much I missed teaching.  I enjoyed it and the kids’ earnest quest for knowledge.  I also liked that I didn’t have to put up with office politics nor office gossip.  When I was teaching, I would stay in the room and eat my lunch so I didn’t have to hear the teachers gossip (yes, they gossiped…mostly about stupid substitutes…).  I went in, did my job, and went home while avoiding all of that negative energy.  I didn’t have to put up with the tired questioning of my single status–there is definitely a prejudice against single people in this country.  The downside, of course, is the pay and the work-on-demand instead of a steady schedule.

And if you try to avoid the gossip and cut people off…as some suggest you do…you’re still screwed because the gossips then turn on you as a target.  I’ve actually had that happen to me.  I ended up leaving a good job because of it.

I suppose the questioning of population growth is related to our bad economy…not enough jobs that pay living wages….while jobs are shipped to other countries for even lower wages…and Burger King and their ilk go to other countries so they don’t have to pay their fair share of taxes….while war hawks push us towards another war again…while not taxing the rich….

Yeah, I’m in a negative mood…how could you tell?  😦


ALEC and Fossil Fuels

PRWatch has this up on ALEC continuing its dirty campaigns against everything that is logical.

From the piece:

ALEC is even going after people who want to generate solar power for their homes. The boom in home solar energy generation—there has been a 60 percent increase in domestic solar installations in the past year—is a threat to ALEC’s dirty energy producing members, so they have a bill to amend so-called net metering laws that allow homeowners to sell excess electricity back to the grid. It is the ability to do this that makes solar an increasingly affordable possibility for homeowners. ALEC’s bill would charge homeowners additional fees, with ALEC environment task force director John Eick telling The Guardian that these users are “free riders on the system.”


You know, it’s one thing to try to promote your heavy-metal containing pollution, but it’s a whole ‘nother thing to try to prevent people from taking a proactive stance against your dirty fuel.  Unreal.

Solar energy has sooo many benefits–one of which is independence from the greedy energy producers whom have stripped our lands of trees, poisoned our water and soil, and then not paid for the land use nor taxes on top of that.

Sixty percent increase in solar energy use…just in the last year…this is a *huge* threat to them.

Mike Pence, doing ALEC’s bidding, along with the coal industry.

Not long ago, Indiana ranked in the top five for low cost of electricity. Now, thanks to an onslaught of regulations from Washington, Indiana ranks somewhere firmly in the middle of the pack.


Reading between the lines, this is as much an admission of guilt for polluting our air, water, and soil with heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic) from coal. They were getting away with it until regulations prevented the free-for-all.

I keep thinking about that 17 million pounds of toxins put into our waterways every single year…and BP dumping mercury into Lake Michigan every single year, courtesy of Indiana Dept. of Environmental Mis-Management….and the lack of action when the toxic spill floated down the Ohio…