Man shoots drone peeping tom…but HE is arrested; Fourth Amendment

It is a sad day when doing something good — checking on residents during a fire alarm –and being treated like a criminal. Kudos to those of us whom have stood up to this violation of our 4th Amendment right to privacy.


A drone was flying over this man’s property, so he shot it down.

And he was the one arrested!

He sounds like a reasonable person to me.  He didn’t shoot it down when it was farther away…but after it crossed his property lines, he felt within his rights to shoot it down.

Merideth told WRDB: “Well, I came out and it was down by the neighbor’s house, about 10 feet off the ground, looking under their canopy that they’ve got under their back yard. I went and got my shotgun and I said, ‘I’m not going to do anything unless it’s directly over my property.’


Notice how the writer characterizes his method as “draconian”.  Since when is protecting one’s family draconian?  It wasn’t like he shot a person.

And homeowners do own the airspace above them…so yeah, he was well within his rights to defend his family and his…

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